Smile by Raina Telgemeir (Graphic Novel)
Smile follows a 6th grade girl through her struggles with friends, school, boys, fitting in, and most of all, her dental problems for four years until she is a sophomore in high school. Raina's problems all start one dark night in 6th grade after leaving a Girl Scout Meeting. As she is racing her friends into her house, she trips and falls and consequently knocks one front tooth out and one front took up into her gums. From there, things only get worse. She has to deal with getting braces, false teeth, headgear, rubber bands, surgery with the many "-dontists" in addition to dealing with mean friends, a crush on the basketball star and a boy that likes her that she's not really into. Along her long and trying journey, Raina learns how to truly smile.
Discussion Questions
1. What do you think Raina's greatest challenge was? How did she overcome it?
2. Raina goes through many changes and has to learn how to deal with various problems associated with growing up from 6th grade to high school. What are some of the changes/problems you've had in your life? How did you deal with them? How is it similiar/different to the way Raina dealt with her problems in the book?
3. What part of the book (or what character) could you most connect to? Explain.
Author's Website:
APA Citation
Teglemeier, R. (2010). Smile. New York, NY: Graphix.
Other Books to Check Out:
Russel, R. R. (2009). Dork diaries: Tales from a not so fabulous life. New York, NY: Aladdin.
Teglemeier, R., & Martin, A. M. (2006). The babysitter's club: Kristy's great idea. New York, NY: Graphix.
Teglemeier, R., & Martin, A. M. (2006). The babysitter's club: The truth about Stacy. New York, NY: Graphix.
Teglemeier, R., & Martin, A. M. (2007). The babysitter's club: Mary Anne save the day. New York, NY: Graphix.
Teglemeier, R., & Roman, D. (2009). X-men misfits 1. New York, NY: Del Rey.
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